
Mechatronics for Improving and Standardizing Competences in Engineering

Erasmus+ KA220-HED - Cooperation partnerships in higher education

Teaching material

Evaluating technical competencies & skills on Engineering

Creating standardized and accesible teaching material

Improving engineering capabilities

These are the competences covered during MISCE project. Check the standardized teaching material for each one!

Control Engineering

Subdiscipline of engineering that focuses on controlling the behaviour of systems through the use of sensors and actuators.

Automation technology

Set of technologies that make a process, system, or apparatus operate automatically through the use of control systems.


The branch of engineering that involves the design, operation, manufacture, and application of robots. Robotics is part of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science and overlaps with mechatronics and automation engineering.

Programmable logic controller

Programmable logic controllers or PLC's are computer control systems used for the monitoring and control of input and output as well as the automation of electromechanical processes.

Mechanical systems

Mechanical systems, including gears, engines, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Their functions and likely defects.

CAD software

The computer-aided design (CAD) software for creating, modifying, analysing or optimising a design.

Mechanical design

Mechanical systems, including gears, engines, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Their functions and likely defects.

Working with machinery and specialised equipment

Mechanical systems, including gears, engines, hydraulic and pneumatic systems. Their functions and likely defects.


Multidisciplinary field of engineering that combines principles of electrical engineering, telecommunications engineering, control engineering, computer engineering, and mechanical engineering in the design of products and manufacturing processes. The combination of these areas of engineering allows for the design and development of "smart" devices and the achievement of an optimal balance between mechanical structure and control.

Database and network design and administration

Database and network design and administration is the study of the design, maintenance and integration of software applications. Computer media applications are included.
Programmes and qualifications with the following main content are classified here: Computer administration and management, Computer media applications, Computer network installation and maintenance, Database administrator studies, Information technology administration
Information technology security, Network administration, Network design, Web design

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